PuppetPalooza is BACK at ImaginOn, coming to you on Saturday, February 1st from 10:00-4:30 with FREE, family-friendly puppet-based entertainment all day. Here is a list of the shows that will be running, so that you can pick and choose:
All Ages, Entryway
Since their founding 25 years ago, Paperhand Puppet Intervention has been using papier-mâché, cardboard, bamboo, your old house paints, cloth, and other assorted junk (treasure to us!) to create incredible giant puppets, masks, shadow plays and spectacle performances for all ages. They will be at PuppetPalooza all day, roving with large puppets and allowing children and families to try on their masterpieces.
ED’S DINOSAURS LIVE: All Day Entertainment
All Ages, StoryJar
Ed's Dinosaurs Live are the Dinosaur Entertainers for your party, corporate event, festival, parade or any appearance of your needs. Started in 2011, with Mr. Ed, a homemade dinosaur, some balloons, and a few tricks up his sleeve, the company is now one of the largest dinosaur entertainers in the country. They will be at PuppetPalooza all day in the StoryJar for Reading, Riding, and Rawring, and keep your eyes peeled for some dinosaur egg hatchings throughout the day!
All Ages, Balcony
From their humble beginning in 1948, Children's Theatre of Charlotte has grown to become one of the most respected arts and education organizations in the country. As creators of high-quality professional theatre for young audiences, they are committed to the mission that children have the right to explore the wonder of their world safely and confidently with kindness at its core. Explore the balcony all day at PuppetPalooza to get a close-hand look at some of the master puppets that have graced the CTC stage, from Gingy in Shrek to the Pigeon in Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!
10:00-10:20: Puppet Storytime
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
Ages 0-5, Spangler Library
Your whole family can enjoy stories, songs, and movement activities that support early literacy skill development and help foster a love of books and reading in your child. Parents and caregivers are encouraged to participate. Today’s storytime will feature songs and activities with bonus puppets popping in to visit!
10:00-11:30: Spoon Puppet Lab
Dancing Hand Puppets
Ages 5+, MakerSpace
Attendees will be able to build and create a spoon puppet through a hands-on activity in our MakerSpace, brought to you by Dancing Hand Puppets.
10:15-10:30: Barnyard News
InReach Troupe 801 Puppeteers
All Ages, McGuire Woods Board Room
Come enjoy “Barnyard News” presented by InReach's Troupe 801. Troupe 801 is a professional touring puppet troupe comprised of individuals with special needs. The show “Barnyard News” teaches a message of acceptance of all and that our uniqueness is what makes each of us special!
10:30-11:15: A Tangle of Tales
Grey Seal Puppets
PreK+, Spangler Library
Three favorite folk tales from around the world come to life with a touch of the familiar and a taste of the new. Using a variety of puppet styles, “The Frog Prince” from Germany, “Three Billy Goats Gruff” from Scandinavia and “The Three Little Pigs” from England are each told with refreshing wit and wisdom. In between each of the tales there’s a whole menagerie of zany characters to see and enjoy. A skinny ant dances a lively jig; “block heads” learn how to get along; and the zaniest creatures of all, the “Wobblies”, open the 45-minute performance with an extraordinary ballet choreographed to Kablevsky’s “The Comedian’s Suite”. Tangle of Tales is fun for everyone!
10:30-11:30: International Puppetry Presentation
Center for Puppetry Arts
Ages 5+, Wells Fargo Playhouse
Learn about different puppet traditions from around the world in this entertaining and interactive International Puppetry Presentation from the Jim Henson Center for Puppetry Arts! Celebrate the intersection of geography, history, social studies, and the arts and experience the magic of puppetry through demonstrations, stories, music and more.
10:45-11:15: Ed’s Dinosaurs Live Show
Ed’s Dinosaurs Live
PreK+, StoryJar
Ed Bounds brings with him a gang of prehistoric friends including Dakota, Baby T, Little Quon and of course, those Triceratops Triplets- Trixie, Trey and Trouble. Pet a baby dinosaur, interact with a Stegosaurus, and maybe even see a dinosaur being hatched!
10:45-11:30: The Great Emoti-Crystal Adventure
The Lurnsters
Ages 5+, Rehearsal Room B
Join us for a fun-filled adventure exploring the EmotiVerse with the Lurnsters! Get ready to sing, dance, and learn all about emotions with your favorite characters.
11:00-11:45: Petit Mondrian
Asheville Creative Arts
Babies & Toddlers, The Round
A 30-minute interactive multilingual (Spanish, French and English) and multimedia performance installation for very young children and their caregivers, which mixes dance-theater with the language of object theater, interactive video animation, live music, and Bunraku style puppetry. Petit Mondrian continues ACA’s successful expansion into Theatre for the Very Young (defined as birth to 5 years old) begun with SHELL, its premiere baby theatre performance mounted as part of the 2022-23 season.
11:00-12:00: Roving Puppet: Alice Guy-Blache
VisArt Video
All Ages, Roving
A 10-foot-tall puppet of Alice Guy-Blaché, the first female film director and first director of a narrative film will roam Puppetpalooza this year. A once forgotten figure of early cinema, over the course of her life she headed her own film studio and directed over 1000 films, from silent short films, to longer length sound pictures. Her tall stature and large hoop skirt (which also functions as a backdrop for projection and shadow puppetey) remind us of the enormity of her accomplishments. When not at Puppetpalooza, Alice serves as the mascot for Visart Video.
11:15-11:30: Barnyard New
InReach Troupe 801 Puppeteers
All Ages, McGuire Woods Board Room
Come enjoy “Barnyard News” presented by InReach's Troupe 801. Troupe 801 is a professional touring puppet troupe comprised of individuals with special needs. The show “Barnyard News” teaches a message of acceptance of all and that our uniqueness is what makes each of us special!
12:00-12:30: PUPPET PARADE!
Led by Paperhand Puppet Intervention
All Ages, Roving
Since their founding 25 years ago, Paperhand Puppet Intervention has been using papier-mâché, cardboard, bamboo, your old house paints, cloth, and other assorted junk (treasure to us!) to create incredible giant puppets, masks, shadow plays and spectacle performances for all ages.
12:30-1:30: International Puppetry Presentation
Center for Puppetry Arts
Ages 5+, Wells Fargo Playhouse
Learn about different puppet traditions from around the world in this entertaining and interactive International Puppetry Presentation from the Jim Henson Center for Puppetry Arts! Celebrate the intersection of geography, history, social studies, and the arts and experience the magic of puppetry through demonstrations, stories, music and more.
12:45-1:15: The Wizard of Oz
CML Frontline Puppeteers
Ages 5+, McGuire Woods Board Room
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Frontline Puppeteers perform a 30-minute puppet show based on the original Oz stories by L. Frank Baum. If you're expecting the movie, you may be surprised by all the differences but buckle up for a fun adventure! Hilarity and hijinks ensue as we travel on this classic adventure together. This show is geared toward ages 5-11, but all are welcome.
1:00-1:45: Petit Mondrian
Asheville Creative Arts
Babies & Toddlers, The Round
A 30-minute interactive multilingual (Spanish, French and English) and multimedia performance installation for very young children and their caregivers, which mixes dance-theater with the language of object theater, interactive video animation, live music, and Bunraku style puppetry. Petit Mondrian continues ACA’s successful expansion into Theatre for the Very Young (defined as birth to 5 years old) begun with SHELL, its premiere baby theatre performance mounted as part of the 2022-23 season.
1:00-1:45: A Tangle of Tales
Grey Seal Puppets
PreK+, Spangler Library
Three favorite folk tales from around the world come to life with a touch of the familiar and a taste of the new. Using a variety of puppet styles, “The Frog Prince” from Germany, “Three Billy Goats Gruff” from Scandinavia and “The Three Little Pigs” from England are each told with refreshing wit and wisdom. In between each of the tales there’s a whole menagerie of zany characters to see and enjoy. A skinny ant dances a lively jig; “block heads” learn how to get along; and the zaniest creatures of all, the “Wobblies”, open the 45-minute performance with an extraordinary ballet choreographed to Kablevsky’s “The Comedian’s Suite”. Tangle of Tales is fun for everyone!
1:15-2:00: Hamlet and the Pirates
Shepherd Shakespeare
PreK+, Rehearsal Room A
The never-before-heard tale of Hamlet's adventures amongst the pirates of the North Sea! How did Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, end up aboard a pirate ship? Will he ever make it back home? Find out in this rollicking and interactive tale!
1:15-2:00: The Great Emoti-Crystal Adventure
The Lurnsters
Ages 5+, Rehearsal Room B
Join us for a fun-filled adventure exploring the EmotiVerse with the Lurnsters! Get ready to sing, dance, and learn all about emotions with your favorite characters.
1:30-2:00: Ed’s Dinosaurs Live Show
Ed’s Dinosaurs Live
PreK+, StoryJar
Ed Bounds brings with him a gang of prehistoric friends including Dakota, Baby T, Little Quon and of course, those Triceratops Triplets- Trixie, Trey and Trouble. Pet a baby dinosaur, interact with a Stegosaurus, and maybe even see a dinosaur being hatched!
2:00-2:30: The Wizard of Oz
CML Frontline Puppeteers
Ages 5+, McGuire Woods Board Room
The Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Frontline Puppeteers perform a 30-minute puppet show based on the original Oz stories by L. Frank Baum. If you're expecting the movie, you may be surprised by all the differences but buckle up for a fun adventure! Hilarity and hijinks ensue as we travel on this classic adventure together. This show is geared toward ages 5-11, but all are welcome.
2:00-3:30: Sock Puppet Lab
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte
Ages 5+, MakerSpace
Join CTC to make your own sock puppet to take home. This lab is led by Anna Klinger, the Costume Shop Manager with Children’s Theatre of Charlotte, who has 20+ years of experience in theatrical costuming. A true puppet lover, Anna has been creating exciting characters from simple sock puppets to large walk around characters most of her life.
2:15-3:00: Jeghetto’s Workshop
Jeghetto Entertainment
Ages 5+, Wells Fargo Playhouse
Bring family and friends to enjoy a magical and interactive live performance while learning the art, history, and mechanics of puppetry from teaching artist Tarish “Jeghetto” Pipkins. Pipkins is master builder and puppeteer residing in North Carolina and his puppets are made of mostly found and recycled materials.
2:15-2:45: The Frank and Betty Show
FAB Puppetry
Ages PreK+, Spangler Library
Join Ms. Melanie for a family puppet show filled with laughs and literacy on trying your best! Best friends, Frank and Betty are learning about telling the truth in a hilarious show for all ages.
2:30-3:15: Hamlet and the Pirates
Shepherd Shakespeare
PreK+, Rehearsal Room A
The never-before-heard tale of Hamlet's adventures amongst the pirates of the North Sea! How did Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, end up aboard a pirate ship? Will he ever make it back home? Find out in this rollicking and interactive tale!
2:45-3:00: The Dot Toy Theatre
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
PreK+, The Round
With support from Children's Theatre of Charlotte and designer Tom Burch, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Frontline Puppeteers invite you to experience the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds using puppetry and artwork. Join us for a magical toy theatre experience that unfolds from a trunk as we follow a young girl’s journey of artistic expression and self-discovery that starts with a painted dot on a blank piece of paper. This 15-minute program is for ages PreK and up. It includes an art introduction and a 10-minute toy theatre show.
3:00-3:30: Ed’s Dinosaurs Live Show
Ed’s Dinosaurs Live
PreK+, StoryJar
Ed Bounds brings with him a gang of prehistoric friends including Dakota, Baby T, Little Quon and of course, those Triceratops Triplets- Trixie, Trey and Trouble. Pet a baby dinosaur, interact with a Stegosaurus, and maybe even see a dinosaur being hatched!
3:00-3:45: Meet a Master Puppet Builder
Children’s Theatre of Charlotte
Ages 10+, Studio i
Join us for a 45-minute presentation for ages 10+ where Elizabeth Swanson, Children's Theatre of Charlotte's Craft Specialist and Puppet Master, will highlight some of the favorite puppet creations that have graced the stage here at ImaginOn, including Aslan (the lion from Narnia), Petunia (the dragon from Shrek), and Harold the Pigeon (from Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus). She will discuss materials and common puppet design and construction processes--highlighting materials that can be sourced from local craft stores--reveal some backstage and process photos from CTC productions, and answer any remaining questions about becoming a Master Puppet Builder.
3:00-4:30: Puppet Karaoke
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
PreK+, Studio B
This fun, inclusive activity will be facilitated by the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library’s Frontline Puppeteers and will be an opportunity for children (and adults) at the festival to take the “stage” with their puppet of choice and let their inner rock star out to a variety of Kids’ Bop, Motown, and Disney classics. It’s a great opportunity to learn and practice basic puppetry skills like mouth manipulation and expressive movement of puppets.
3:15-4:00: The Great Emoti-Crystal Adventure
The Lurnsters
Ages 5+, Rehearsal Room B
Join us for a fun-filled adventure exploring the EmotiVerse with the Lurnsters! Get ready to sing, dance, and learn all about emotions with your favorite characters.
3:30-3:45: The Dot Toy Theatre
Charlotte Mecklenburg Library
PreK+, The Round
With support from Children's Theatre of Charlotte and designer Tom Burch, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library's Frontline Puppeteers invite you to experience the book The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds using puppetry and artwork. Join us for a magical toy theatre experience that unfolds from a trunk as we follow a young girl’s journey of artistic expression and self-discovery that starts with a painted dot on a blank piece of paper. This 15-minute program is for ages PreK and up. It includes an art introduction and a 10-minute toy theatre show.
3:30-4:30: Jeghetto’s Workshop
Jeghetto Entertainment
Ages 5+, Wells Fargo Playhouse
Bring family and friends to enjoy a magical and interactive live performance while learning the art, history, and mechanics of puppetry from teaching artist Tarish “Jeghetto” Pipkins. Pipkins is master builder and puppeteer residing in North Carolina and his puppets are made of mostly found and recycled materials.
3:45-4:15: The Frank and Betty Show
FAB Puppetry
Ages PreK+, Spangler Library
Join Ms. Melanie for a family puppet show filled with laughs and literacy on trying your best! Best friends, Frank and Betty are learning about telling the truth in a hilarious show for all ages.